dsxmwin86342 2019-03-12 17:11
浏览 471

如何在go(lang)中连接到mlab mongodb数据库?

I have a mlab MongoDB database called storyfactory. This database has a collection called test, which has a user called Standard with a Password.

I'm trying to connect to the database with this Driver.
This is the code:

package main

import (


func main() {
    ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://<Standard>:<Password>@ds127101.mlab.com:27101/storyfactory"))
    if err != nil {
    collection := client.Database("storyfactory").Collection("test")
    ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    res, err := collection.InsertOne(ctx, bson.M{"name": "pi", "value": 3.14159})
    if err != nil {

If I try to run this code, I get following output:

2019/03/12 18:09:04 auth error: sasl conversation error: unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-1": (AuthenticationFailed) Authentication failed.
exit status 1

I'm 100% sure that the Password is correct.
Thanks for your help!

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