dopuzf0898 2017-07-26 03:01
浏览 15


var newR[] struct {
        id string
        eventid string
        excel_id string
        userid string
        hallid string

i := 0
for rows.Next() {
    var id, eventid, excel_id, userid, hallid string
    err = rows.Scan(&id, &eventid, &excel_id, &userid, &hallid)

    // Here is what I want to do
    newR[i].id = id
    newR[i].eventid = eventid
    newR[i].excel_id = excel_id
    newR[i].userid = userid
    newR[i].hallid = hallid

Eventually I got an error msg "runtime error: index out of range" In /myapp/app/controllers/app.go (around line 122)

newR[i].id = id

Any suggestions or tips will helps. Thanks.

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  • dozr162106 2017-07-26 06:50

    You do not need to create a local variables for each field, just create a struct and use it to read data into and use a slice to accumulate results:

    // struct definition must be out of functions body
    type newR struct {
        id string
        eventid string
        excel_id string
        userid string
        hallid string
    var newRs []newR
    for rows.Next() {
        var current newR
        err = rows.Scan(&, &current.eventid, &current.excel_id, &current.userid, &current.hallid)
        newRs = append(newRs, r)

    And also it is better to check for errors after rows.Next() and rows.Scan(...).

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