weixin_42193785 2020-02-27 18:25
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import numpy as np

def pfcm(data, c, expo=2, max_iter=1000, min_impro=0.005, a=1, b=4, nc=3):

Possiblistic Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm

Parameters :

  • data: Dataset to be clustered, with size M-by-N,
    where M is the number of data points
    and N is the number of coordinates for each data point.

  • c : Number of clusters

  • expo : exponent for the U matrix (default = 2)

  • max_iter : Maximum number of iterations (default = 1000)

  • min_impor : Minimum amount of imporvement (default = 0.005)

  • a : User-defined constant a (default = 1)

  • b : User-defined constant b that should be
    greater than a (default = 4)

  • nc : User-defined constant nc (default = 2)

The clustering process stops when the maximum number of iterations is
reached, or when objective function improvement or the maximum centers
imporvement between two consecutive iterations is less
than the minimum amount specified.

Return values :

  • cntr : The clusters centers

  • U : The C-Partionned Matrix (used in FCM)

  • T : The Typicality Matrix (used in PCM)

  • obj_fcn : The objective function for U and T

obj_fcn = np.zeros(shape=(max_iter, 1))
ni = np.zeros(shape=(c, data.shape[0]))
U = initf(c, data.shape[0])
T = initf(c, data.shape[0])
cntr = np.random.uniform(low=np.min(data), high=np.max(data), size=(
c, data.shape[1]))
for i in range(max_iter):
current_cntr = cntr
U, T, cntr, obj_fcn[i], ni = pstepfcm(
data, cntr, U, T, expo, a, b, nc, ni)
if i > 1:
if abs(obj_fcn[i] - obj_fcn[i-1]) < min_impro:
elif np.max(abs(cntr - current_cntr)) < min_impro:
return cntr, U, T, obj_fcn

def pstepfcm(data, cntr, U, T, expo, a, b, nc, ni):
mf = np.power(U, expo)
tf = np.power(T, nc)
tfo = np.power((1-T), nc)
cntr = (np.dot(a*mf+b*tf, data).T/np.sum(
a*mf+b*tf, axis=1).T).T
dist = pdistfcm(cntr, data)
obj_fcn = np.sum(np.sum(np.power(dist, 2)*(a*mf+b*tf), axis=0)) + np.sum(
ni*np.sum(tfo, axis=0))
ni = mf*np.power(dist, 2)/(np.sum(mf, axis=0))
tmp = np.power(dist, (-2/(nc-1)))
U = tmp/(np.sum(tmp, axis=0))
tmpt = np.power((b/ni)*np.power(dist, 2), (1/(nc-1)))
T = 1/(1+tmpt)
return U, T, cntr, obj_fcn, ni

def initf(c, data_n):
A = np.random.random(size=(c, data_n))
col_sum = np.sum(A, axis=0)
return A/col_sum

def pdistfcm(cntr, data):
out = np.zeros(shape=(cntr.shape[0], data.shape[0]))
for k in range(cntr.shape[0]):
out[k] = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.power(data-cntr[k], 2)).T, axis=0))
return out

def pfcm_predict(data, cntr, expo=2, a=1, b=4, nc=3):

Possiblistic Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Prediction Algorithm

Parameters :

  • data: Dataset to be clustered, with size M-by-N,
    where M is the number of data points
    and N is the number of coordinates for each data point.

  • cntr : centers of the dataset previoulsy calculated

  • expo : exponent for the U matrix (default = 2)

  • a : User-defined constant a (default = 1)

  • b : User-defined constant b that should be
    greater than a (default = 4)

  • nc : User-defined constant nc (default = 2)

The algortihm predicts which clusters the new dataset belongs to

Return values :

  • new_cntr : The new clusters centers

  • U : The C-Partionned Matrix (used in FCM)

  • T : The Typicality Matrix (used in PCM)

  • obj_fcn : The objective function for U and T

dist = pdistfcm(cntr, data)
tmp = np.power(dist, (-2/(nc-1)))
U = tmp/(np.sum(tmp, axis=0))
mf = np.power(U, expo)
ni = mf*np.power(dist, 2)/(np.sum(mf, axis=0))
tmpt = np.power((b/ni)*np.power(dist, 2), (1/(nc-1)))
T = 1/(1+tmpt)
tf = np.power(T, nc)
tfo = np.power((1-T), nc)
new_cntr = (np.dot(a*mf+b*tf, data).T/np.sum(
a*mf+b*tf, axis=1).T).T
obj_fcn = np.sum(np.sum(np.power(dist, 2)*(a*mf+b*tf), axis=0)) + np.sum(
ni*np.sum(tfo, axis=0))
return new_cntr, U, T, obj_fcn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from PFCM import pfcm
import time

def creat_image(labels, centers):
    """ color each pixel with the cluster's center color that it belongs to """
    img = np.zeros(shape=(labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1], 3))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        for j in range(img.shape[1]):
            img[i, j] = centers[labels[i, j]]
    if(img.max() > 1):
        img /= 255
    mpimg.imsave('Image Result_3.bmp', img) # image result
    return img

clusters = 3 # define the number of clusters
img = mpimg.imread('78.bmp') # read the test image
start_time = time.clock() # start calculating the execution time
centers, U, T, obj_fcn = pfcm(
    img.reshape(img.shape[0]*img.shape[1], img.shape[2]), clusters) # calling the pfcm function on the image after reshaping it
elapsed_time = time.clock() - start_time # end calculating the execution time
labels = np.argmax(U, axis=0).reshape(img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) # assing each pixel to its closest cluster
creat_image(labels, centers) # creat an image with the assigned clusters
print(f'elapsed time : {round(elapsed_time, 3)} seconds') # printing the execution time
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