yumorende 2014-09-09 03:18 采纳率: 0%
浏览 1032


在TOOLBAR中设置 NMTBCUSTOMDRAW结构体,以改变文本的颜色, 我已经成功改变TOOLBAR文本颜色, 但是 如何设置高亮文本 那就一头雾水 了

void MyToolBar::OnNMCustomdraw(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) //on draw item


   DWORD DW = *pResult;
   *pResult = 0;    // First thing - check the draw stage(阶段). If it's the control's prepaint(preprint)

    COLORREF crText; 
    COLORREF crHighText;
   if ( CDDS_PREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage )           //before a painting cycle begin 
       *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW;                    //自己完成绘制
   else if ( CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage )          //before an item is draw
       // This is the prepaint stage for an item. Here's where we set the
       // item's text color. Our return value will tell Windows to draw the
       // item itself, but it will use the new color we set here.
       // We'll cycle the colors through red, green, and light blue.

        crText = RGB(255,0,0);
        crHighText = RGB(0, 255, 0);
        pLVCD->clrText = crText;        // Tell Windows to paint the control itself.
        pLVCD->clrTextHighlight = crHighText;
        *pResult = CDRF_NEWFONT;



如上, 我设置了,但是鼠标移动到TOOLBAR控件按钮上时, 文本颜色没有变化啊~

  • 写回答


  • ChatGPTᴼᴾᴱᴺᴬᴵ 2023-03-18 21:22


    NM_CUSTOMDRAW 消息用于自定义绘制控件的外观。对于工具栏控件,为了改变高亮时按钮文本的颜色,你需要在 CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT 阶段的处理过程中,设置 clrHighlightHotTrack 属性为你想要的高亮文本颜色即可。修改后的代码如下:

    void MyToolBar::OnNMCustomdraw(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) //on draw item
       NMTBCUSTOMDRAW* pLVCD = reinterpret_cast<NMTBCUSTOMDRAW*> (pNMHDR);
       DWORD DW = *pResult;
       *pResult = 0;    // First thing - check the draw stage(阶段). If it's the control's prepaint(preprint)
        COLORREF crText; 
        COLORREF crHighText;
       if ( CDDS_PREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage )           //before a painting cycle begin 
           *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW;                    //自己完成绘制
       else if ( CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage )          //before an item is draw
           // This is the prepaint stage for an item. Here's where we set the
           // item's text color. Our return value will tell Windows to draw the
           // item itself, but it will use the new color we set here.
           // We'll cycle the colors through red, green, and light blue.
            crText = RGB(255,0,0);
            crHighText = RGB(0, 255, 0);
            pLVCD->clrText = crText;       
            pLVCD->clrTextHighlight = crHighText;
            pLVCD->clrHighlightHotTrack = crHighText; // 设置高亮时的文本颜色
            *pResult = CDRF_NEWFONT;





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