NoTomorrow_ 2016-04-02 10:24 采纳率: 0%
浏览 2067


刚学nasm,我捣鼓这个问题半天了,还是没找到bug,跪求解答,要用彩色输出fibonacci函数的值,输入用空格隔开如“12 13 14”,我用getint去获得输入的值,调用fibonacci1去计算,算出来的值用150位长的数组每个数组存一个字符,每次相加由arraybefore加到arraynow再由arraynow加到arraybefore里循环做加法,再用compare函数去选择颜色输出
section .text
global main
;Declaring the external functions to be used in the program.......
getint: ;get the index of fibonacci
mov eax,3
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,tem1
mov edx,1
int 80h

mov eax,3
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,tem2
mov edx,1
int 80h
cmp word[tem2],32
je count1
cmp word[tem2],10
je count1

mov eax,3
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,tem3
mov edx,1
int 80h
cmp word[tem3],32
je count10
cmp word[tem3],10
je count10

sub word[tem1],30h
sub word[tem2],30h
mov ax,word[tem1]
mov dx,10
mul dx
add ax,word[tem2]
mov word[num],ax
call fibonacci1
call compare
cmp word[tem3],10
je exit
jmp getint
sub word[tem1],30h
mov ax,word[tem1]
mov word[num],ax
call fibonacci1
call compare
cmp word[tem2],10
je exit
jmp getint

cmp byte[number],1
je print1
cmp byte[number],2
je print2
cmp byte[number],3
je print3
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,echo1
mov edx,sizeEcho1
int 80h
add byte[number],1
jmp printfibo1
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,echo2
mov edx,sizeEcho2
int 80h
add byte[number],1
jmp printfibo1
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,echo3
mov edx,sizeEcho3
int 80h
mov byte[number],1
jmp printfibo1

pop edx
mov eax,arrayNow
cmp eax,edx
je end
mov eax,arrayBefore
cmp eax,edx
je end
mov al,byte[edx]
mov byte[fibo],al
sub edx,1
push edx
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,fibo
mov edx,1
int 80h
jmp printfibo1

mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,echoEnd
mov edx,sizeEchoEnd
int 80h
mov ecx,150
mov ebx,arrayNow
mov eax,arrayBefore
recover: ;recover array to init status
mov byte[ebx],-1
add ebx,1
mov byte[eax],-1
add eax,1
loop recover

mov cx,word[num]
mov al,0
add al,30h ;integer 0 to char

mov byte[arrayBefore],al ;init arrayBefore[0] = '0'
mov al,1
add al,30h ;integer 1 to char
mov byte[arrayNow],al ;init arrayNow[0] = '1'
cmp cx,0
je print
sub cx,1
cmp byte[record],0 ;the result of add to which array
je nowToBefore
jmp beforeToNow
mov ebx,arrayNow
mov edx,arrayBefore
mov byte[record],1
jmp addNumber
mov edx,arrayNow
mov ebx,arrayBefore
mov byte[record],0
jmp addNumber
addNumber: ;add index of i of two arrays[i]
mov al,byte[ebx]
cmp al,-1
je add ;jump to the next add
sub al,30h
mov ah,byte[edx]
cmp ah,-1

jne continue
mov ah,0
add ah,30h

sub ah,30h
add ah,al
add ah,byte[carry1]
cmp ah,10
jnb above10
mov byte[carry1],0
add ah,30h
mov byte[edx],ah
add ebx,1
add edx,1
jmp addNumber
mov byte[carry1],1
sub ah,10
add ah,30h
mov byte[edx],ah
add ebx,1
add edx,1
cmp byte[ebx],-1
je carry
jmp addNumber
mov ah,1
add ah,30h
mov byte[edx],ah
jmp add

print: push edx

;Main( ) Function
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg1
mov edx, size1
int 80h
call getint

mov ebx , 0
mov eax, 1
int 80h

section .data
fmt: db "%d",0
msg1: db "Enter Fibonacci numbers:"
size1: equ $-msg1

number: db 0 ;which color to print
echo1: db 1Bh,"[48;32m"
sizeEcho1: equ $-echo1
echo2: db 1Bh,"[48;33m"
sizeEcho2: equ $-echo2
echo3: db 1Bh,"[48;34m"
sizeEcho3: equ $-echo3
echoEnd: db 1Bh,"[0m",10
sizeEchoEnd: equ $-echoEnd
arrayBefore: TIMES 150 db -1 ;init array of all -1
arrayNow: TIMES 150 db -1 ;the same as before
carry1: db 0 ;carry if the result of add two integers
record: db 0 ;record add arrayNow to arayBefore or opp

section .bss
num: resw 1 ;the index of fibonacci
tem1: resw 1
tem2: resw 1
tem3: resw 1
fibo: resb 1 ;as a byte to print

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