dongshang1768 2018-07-25 08:54
浏览 78

Jquery Datatables客户端优化

I'm using Jquery datatables library since a long time in server side processing but I encountered lot of problem when I use filter search because the rendered data isn't the same value of the database value.

So I have a new project and I decide to use datatables client side. So I have an ajax call to get all my data. But php is really slow if I do queries with relationship on 100 000 rows.

Then the idea is to use a limit to display some data to the client and processing in background and display all result when it's ok. I see deferRender method in datatables documentation but I don't see any changes.

So I do an first ajax call with a limit parameter, I display the results and I do a second ajax call without limit parameter, then I display all result.

The problem with that is the number of the total record... When the table is populate with the first call I have the total record of the limit so I don't have the real total record number. It's initialized at the second time.

How can I edit the total record number to display the final pagination and the final "Showing x to y of z entries" at the first call ? Or maybe I'm doing wrong and there is another good way to do what I want.

Here is my datatable initialization :

    dom: "t<'col-sm-5'i><'col-sm-7'p>",
    autoWidth: false,
    serverSide: false,
    aaSorting: [[2, 'desc']],
    createdRow: addDataAttr,
    drawCallback: keepSelectedRow,
    rowId: 'id',
    lengthChange: false,
    iDisplayLength: 10,
    deferRender: true,
    initComplete: function(settings, json) {
        limit = false;
        $('#foldersTable').DataTable().ajax.reload(null, false);
    ajax: {
        url: 'getFolders',
        method: 'POST',
        dataSrc: checkSessionDT,
        data : { "limit" : function() { return limit; } }
    language: {
        lengthMenu: datatable_lang.lengthMenu,
        zeroRecords: datatable_lang.zeroRecords,
        infoEmpty: datatable_lang.infoEmpty,
        infoFiltered: datatable_lang.infoFiltered,
        searchPlaceholder: datatable_lang.searchPlaceholder,
        paginate: {
            previous: datatable_lang.paginate.previous,
    columns: [
        {data: "Column A", width:"20%"},
        {data: "Column B", width:"20%", orderData:[1, 0]},
        {data: "Column C", render: renderFunction, width:"20%", orderData:[2, 0], type: "date-euro"},
        {data: "Column D", width:"20%", orderData:[3, 0]},
        {data: "Column E", width:"20%", orderData:[4, 0]}

I hope you can help me.

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