dongsigan2044 2018-10-16 05:28
浏览 100


I have Laravel(5.7) project and will be deployed to a server (nginx) with multiple projects. I am running the project in my Local machine using Apache and I tried to run it with subdirectory and it is working in my machine.

We have a problem in deployment of my project in subdirectory of the server (nginx), I don't know if the Laravel project has the problem because everytime we go to the of my project it always show the "404 Page not found" of Laravel because Laravel thought that /sample is a path so I think runs the Laravel but it didn't make /sample as it's root but when we go to the other project running here is working. What I already did is add the following code in my Laravel project.

In my AppServiceProvider.php - I add the following code:

public function boot()


        if (str_contains(\Config::get('app.url'), 'https://')) {
            //use \URL:forceSchema('https') if you use laravel < 5.4

So that when I change the APP_URL in .env of my project, it will work.


And add the following in the .htaccess of my public folder:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /sample/

So it is working for my local machine but this doesn't work when we tried to deploy this. Once we go to (sample-ip) it will just show the "404 Page not found".

What I want to know is if there are other way to change the context path of laravel 5.7. Because I am not the one who configure the nginx in the server but I want to make sure that the problem is not because of Laravel 5.7.

Thank you for your help guys.

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  • dongluo1853 2018-10-16 06:06

    see this documentation

    laravel with nginx




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