duankekan9269 2016-05-16 12:10
浏览 40

Angular前端无法访问Laravel API(端口问题)

I am using nodejs for serving my angular application, and artisan for my laravel API. I would like to let the angular app communicate with the API, but I can't make it work. As far as I know, I can't run both on the same port, as only one app can be run on a port, however, I can't run them on different ports because then my front end app would not be able to send request to the API. I tried to send the request to the server by localhost:8000/login (authentication) but as my front end runs on port 3000 it just can't reach it.

Here's how I start my servers:

node server (starts on port 3000)

php artisan serve (optionally setting port by --port=8000

Is this way even right? I'm new to this kind of concept. What would be the best practice for reaching the API from the frontend?


When running both servers on the same port I get the error message from google chrome console:

angular.js:11756 POST http://localhost:3000/localhost/login 404 (Not Found)

When running frontend on port 3000 and API on 8000 I get this:

angular.js:11756 XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:8000/login. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.

If I don't define the port for the request it uses the same as the server running on (this case port 3000). If I specify the port I get the error above.

One other thing I tried is putting http:// before the url, then I get this error:

angular.js:11756 POST http://localhost:8000/login (anonymous function) @ angular.js:11756sendReq @ angular.js:11517serverRequest @ angular.js:11227processQueue @ angular.js:15961(anonymous function) @ angular.js:15977Scope.$eval @ angular.js:17229Scope.$digest @ angular.js:17045Scope.$apply @ angular.js:17337(anonymous function) @ angular.js:25023defaultHandlerWrapper @ angular.js:3456eventHandler @ angular.js:3444 :3000/#/login:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8000/login. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 405.

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