I just started doing some website work for a law firm whose website is kind of messy. They have files with multiple file extensions (html, php, txt) and some weird directory practices (e.g. one link will go to example.com/head-injuries/ which serves head-injuries/index.html, and the next one just links to example.com/car-crashes.html)
I was wondering how I could edit the .htaccess file to
- Remove all file extensions from the URLs and
- Re-direct each URL with a file extension to one without a file extension. (so that internal linking will not be messed up and there's no danger of search engines indexing duplicate content)
I read some other threads where people had the same questions but weren't answered - and it looks like I'll need to distinguish some way of serving the correct content if there are 2 files with the same name but different extensions. This shouldn't be a problem with the website but if there needs to be a priority, I would prioritize php over html over txt.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!