dot_0620 2013-05-22 20:24 采纳率: 100%
浏览 887


So I have a link that returns a jSON object, and I need to have it decoded and put into variables in PHP.



This is the object that it returns

    "count": 1,
    "threads": {
        "38752": {
            "thread_id": 38752,
            "node_id": 4,
            "title": "The ShadyCraft Beta Launch!",
            "reply_count": 45,
            "view_count": 946,
            "user_id": 2,
            "username": "Shady",
            "post_date": 1366956695,
            "sticky": 0,
            "discussion_state": "visible",
            "discussion_open": 1,
            "discussion_type": "",
            "first_post_id": 226167,
            "first_post_likes": 7,
            "last_post_date": 1369094302,
            "last_post_id": 228226,
            "last_post_user_id": 2,
            "last_post_username": "Shady",
            "prefix_id": 19,
            "tinhte_xentag_tags": "a:4:{i:0;s:9:\"minecraft\";i:2;s:4:\"news\";i:3;s:14:\"private server\";i:1;s:10:\"shadycraft\";}",
            "content": {
                "count": 1,
                "content": {
                    "226167": {
                        "post_id": 226167,
                        "thread_id": 38752,
                        "user_id": 2,
                        "username": "Shady",
                        "post_date": 1366956695,
                        "message": "[ATTACH=full]4143[\/ATTACH]
We've completely restructured ShadyCraft, and today will be the launch of the ShadyCraft beta.
Current Features
[*]All out wars
[*]A live update map
[*]No White-list
[*]Earn Money
[*]Griefing allowed where possible
These are just some features which have a lot more things behind them. For instance, there is town and nation upkeep, tax, kingdoms, mayors, and kings.
We really wanted to have the server self-governed and this is why griefing and PvP are allowed where ever they are possible. All towns and nations cannot be griefed by other members. You can create a town and buy plots for it and expand the town as you wish.
[SIZE=4]All of this is shown in the live updating map located [URL='http:\/\/']here[\/URL].[\/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=6]Join the Beta Now[\/SIZE][\/SIZE]
[USER=118053]Frenchy[\/USER] and [USER=4863]Wolfbane[\/USER]",
                        "ip_id": 747429,
                        "message_state": "visible",
                        "attach_count": 1,
                        "position": 0,
                        "likes": 7,
                        "like_users": "a:5:{i:0;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:105699;s:8:\"username\";s:6:\"kvothe\";}i:1;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:146724;s:8:\"username\";s:12:\"Graveyard219\";}i:2;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:70182;s:8:\"username\";s:9:\"wmbrown18\";}i:3;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:5473;s:8:\"username\";s:9:\"Oblivious\";}i:4;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:118053;s:8:\"username\";s:7:\"Frenchy\";}}",
                        "warning_id": 0,
                        "warning_message": "",
                        "anonymous_posting_real_user_id": 0,
                        "anonymous_posting_real_username": ""

I am really only interested in the

"title":"The ShadyCraft Beta Launch!",  
"view_count": 946,  

and finally the message


We've completely restructured ShadyCraft, and today will be the launch of the ShadyCraft beta.

Current Features
[*]All out wars
[*]A live update map
[*]No White-list
[*]Earn Money
[*]Griefing allowed where possible
These are just some features which have a lot more things behind them. For instance, there is town and nation upkeep, tax, kingdoms, mayors, and kings.

We really wanted to have the server self-governed and this is why griefing and PvP are allowed where ever they are possible. All towns and nations cannot be griefed by other members. You can create a town and buy plots for it and expand the town as you wish.

[SIZE=4]All of this is shown in the live updating map located [URL='']here[/URL].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][SIZE=6]Join the Beta Now[/SIZE][/SIZE]

[USER=118053]Frenchy[/USER] and [USER=4863]Wolfbane[/USER]

So how can I extract the jSON object and put it in to correct variables in PHP, that I can later use?

Variables like: $username, $user_id, $message, $title, $discussionState, and so on.

I just need to know how I can retrieve the jSON object, then extract the data into variables in PHP.

I am now able to get the PHP array, but I am having some troubles calling the correct values. Here is the array.

Array ( [count] => 1 [threads] => Array ( [13] => Array ( [thread_id] => 13 [node_id] => 4 [title] => Forum Integration nearly complete! [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 0 [user_id] => 59 [username] => Faeron [post_date] => 1369257302 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => [first_post_id] => 23 [first_post_likes] => 0 [last_post_date] => 1369257302 [last_post_id] => 23 [last_post_user_id] => 59 [last_post_username] => Faeron [prefix_id] => 1 [content] => Array ( [count] => 1 [content] => Array ( [23] => Array ( [post_id] => 23 [thread_id] => 13 [user_id] => 59 [username] => Faeron [post_date] => 1369257302 [message] => It's been quite a while since we began to integrate the phanime Forums with the main site. We have now finished the integration with the phanime Forums and the main site. You will no longer notice that there are two platforms running phanime, but instead only one. Our next step is to theme the forums to make it look like the main site! [ip_id] => 268 [message_state] => visible [attach_count] => 0 [position] => 0 [likes] => 0 [like_users] => a:0:{} [warning_id] => 0 [warning_message] => ) ) ) ) ) )

Now lets say this array was named $array then to get the first element's value "[count]" can't I just say the following: print $array["[count]"] <-- this returns an error.

What about the element that has a value as an array itself, which is the [threads] element. How do I get, perhaps the [thread_id] element's value?

  • 写回答

6条回答 默认 最新

  • dongtaijiao7140 2013-05-22 20:47

    I think this one will answer your question :P


    Using cURL

    //  Initiate curl
    $ch = curl_init();
    // Will return the response, if false it print the response
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    // Set the url
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
    // Execute
    // Closing
    // Will dump a beauty json :3
    var_dump(json_decode($result, true));

    Using file_get_contents

    $result = file_get_contents($url);
    // Will dump a beauty json :3
    var_dump(json_decode($result, true));


    $array["threads"][13/* thread id */]["title"/* thread key */]


    $array["threads"][13/* thread id */]["content"/* thread key */]["content"][23/* post id */]["message" /* content key */];
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