My site is down. I made changes INLINE in the Admin > Layout section of Under layout > head I put the page title.
This caused an error, I have a blank page for a site that gets a lot of traffic. Now I am thinking this is due to redundancy in the theme php or something along those lines?? But isn't there a way to access the admin section somehow?
How can I edit / revert / undo the changes (which caused the error) if I can't access the admin page where the changes were made. Thanks for any help!
EDIT: Through the Admin Interface, I edited Page Title and this threw me a blank page. Is there a correlating PHP file? Or would disabling conflicting Page titles (ones done through Theme functions) resolve it? Can I make the Inline page title override the theme function page title?
EDIT #2: Error log says:
(12)Cannot allocate memory: couldn't create child process: /opt/suphp/sbin/suphp for ../public_html/answers/index.php