I want to implement the threading concept in CakePHP 3.0 , But when I try to extend the thread class, it gives an error of "Thread class not found"
I have also implemented it in core php and its working as expected, But somehow its not working with cakephp.
Here is the corephp code
class AsyncOperation extends Thread {
public function __construct($arg) {
$this->arg = $arg;
public function run() {
if ($this->arg) {
$sleep = rand(1,60);
for ($i=0; $i < 100 ; $i++) {
echo $this->arg."----------->".$i."<br/>";
class CallingClass {
public function runScript($var)
print_r("start run script");
$th = new AsyncOperation($var);
print_r("continue running");
$wow = new AsyncOperation("First");
$wow2 = new AsyncOperation("Last");
And in CakePHP 3
class AsyncOperation extends Thread