I want to check blog status, active or removed.
Active blog:
Removed blog:
Removed blog, but available to register:
I am trying to use php get_headers();
I can check if that blog is active or removed, but how to check if blog status is removed but available to register?
Example Results:
Active blog:
$headers = get_headers("http://novisadcats.blogspot.com/");
echo $headers[12]; // HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Removed blog:
$headers = get_headers("http://cityofangell.blogspot.com/");
echo $headers[12]; // HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Removed blog, but available to regsiter:
$headers = get_headers("http://madhouseofporn.blogspot.com/");
echo $headers[12]; // HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Thanks for help...