duanpu1064 2013-07-31 06:43
浏览 47


I have been trying to create a web-based stopwatch in which the value of start time and stop time will be stored into mysql. The stopwatch is created in javascript, and I use jquery to store it to mysql. The problem is whenever I click 'Stop'on my stopwatch, the value is inserted twice in mysql while it should only be inserted once. Here's my code snippet :

function stopTimers() {

    //Get the input data using the post method when Push into mysql is clicked .. we pull it using the id fields of ID, Name and Email respectively...
      //Get values of the input fields and store it into the variables.
      var cell=$("#cell").val();
      var machine=$("#machine").val();
      var hour=$("#hour").val();
      var tmin=$("#tmin").val();
      var sec=$("#sec").val();
      var mssec=$("#mssec").val();    

      //use the $.post() method to call insert.php file.. this is the ajax request
      $.post('insert.php', {cell: cell,machine: machine,hour: hour,tmin : tmin,sec: sec,mssec: mssec},
          $("#message").fadeIn(100); //Fade in the data given by the insert.php file
      return false;

and here's my insert.php code :

//Configure and Connect to the Databse
 $con = mysql_connect("localhost","diki","diki");
 if (!$con) {
 die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
 mysql_select_db("diki", $con);
 //Pull data from home.php front-end page
 $my_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 //$my_time =

 //Insert Data into mysql
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO diki02(cell,machine,hour,tmin,sec,mssec,date,Stoptime) VALUES('$cell','$machine','$hour','$tmin','$sec','$mssec','$my_date',NOW())");
echo "Data for $cell and $machine inserted successfully!";
else{ echo "An error occurred!"; }

Still figuring out why it's inserted twice,, anybody ever encountered the same problem ?


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  • dongzaliang4492 2013-07-31 06:49

    Try this script block

    'removed $(document).ready(function(){}); ' Block

    //Get the input data using the post method when Push into mysql is clicked .. we pull it using the id fields of ID, Name and Email respectively...
                    $("#stop").click(function () {
                        //Get values of the input fields and store it into the variables.
                        var cell = $("#cell").val();
                        var machine = $("#machine").val();
                        var hour = $("#hour").val();
                        var tmin = $("#tmin").val();
                        var sec = $("#sec").val();
                        var mssec = $("#mssec").val();
                        //use the $.post() method to call insert.php file.. this is the ajax request
                        $.post('insert.php', { cell: cell, machine: machine, hour: hour, tmin: tmin, sec: sec, mssec: mssec },
                        function (data) {
                            $("#message").fadeIn(100); //Fade in the data given by the insert.php file
                        return false;



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