dopii22884 2014-05-26 09:21
浏览 24


I have such type of code in view, add.ctp file in Cake PHP.

<div id="container">
   <div id="content">
   <div id="sidebar">

Now in Layout, in default.ctp file, we access this code by this line.

<?php echo $this->fetch('content'); ?>

I have sidebar in each and every view file, and if I need some changes then I will go in each and every file and then change.

Now My Question is that, can I made a file in layout like sidebar.ctp or any thing else that I just call this file in my view. If I can, then how I will made such type of file.

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  • dongyou5068 2014-05-26 09:29

    You could do it with include or elements like this

    <?php echo $this->element('sidebar'); ?>

    With the element, you make the sidebar.ctp file in the View/Elements/ folder.
    Check for more information: Cakephp 2 Elements

    The other way is with include (not my choice, but another way to accomplish it)

    <?php include('../View/Layouts/sidebar.ctp'); ?>
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