dongwei1263 2011-10-23 16:41
浏览 13


I want to include a function like seen in Mashable. It's the next post widget. If you reach the end of the post, a suggestion will appear on the right side. I found a solution for this, but it's not working for me.

Here is how i did:

1, added a nextpost.js file to the root of the webserver

//When should it be triggered in this case - when the '.next-link' is visible, but it could be the '.offset().bottom' of the article?
limit = $('.next-link').offset().top;
//Account for the height of the window - would have to readjust on resize;
target = limit - $(window).height();
//Hide the fancy fixed position box;
$nextbox = $('.next-box')
$nextbox.css({right: '-=150px'});
//Make a note of it's status;
visible = false

//Cue Magic - every time the window scrolls;
    //Where are we?
    current =  $(window).scrollTop();
    //Hit the target - show me the box;
    if(current >= target && visible == false){
        $nextbox.animate({right: '+=150px'}, 500);
        visible = true;
    //Gone back up to re-read the article - hide it again!
    if(current < target && visible == true){
        $nextbox.animate({right: '-=150px'}, 500);
        visible = false;


2, placed the following code in the head:

<script type="text/javascript" src=".../nextpost.js"></script>

3, addded codes:

<div class="next-link">fb-share button</div>
<div class="next-box">code of a wp widget area</div>

The problem is, that the widget area (next-box) is always appears, not only when I reach the next-link section. I think the proble is with the javascript integration. What should I do?

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