dongyun65343 2013-05-08 10:58
浏览 94

php json encode - 数组键不输出为字符串

So I have a php array like this:

$myArray = array(
'name' => 'Series Name',
'data' => array(

I would like to output this array in json_encoded form with the array keys as object names(?). When I echo json_encode the array I get this:

    "name": "Series Name",
    "data": [

The trouble with this is that the array keys ("name" and "data") are output as strings. I need them to be objects. I.e. without the quotes around them.

EDIT: The purpose is this is to build and use a php array with highcharts. As can be seen in the source of this chart the data is passed in that way:

$(function () {
            chart: {
                type: 'spline'
            title: {
                text: 'Snow depth in the Vikjafjellet mountain, Norway'
            subtitle: {
                text: 'An example of irregular time data in Highcharts JS'
            xAxis: {
                type: 'datetime',
                dateTimeLabelFormats: { // don't display the dummy year
                    month: '%e. %b',
                    year: '%b'
            yAxis: {
                title: {
                    text: 'Snow depth (m)'
                min: 0
            tooltip: {
                formatter: function() {
                        return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+
                        Highcharts.dateFormat('%e. %b', this.x) +': '+ this.y +' m';

            series: [{
                name: 'Winter 2007-2008',
                // Define the data points. All series have a dummy year
                // of 1970/71 in order to be compared on the same x axis. Note
                // that in JavaScript, months start at 0 for January, 1 for February etc.
                data: [
                    [Date.UTC(1970,  9, 27), 0   ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 10), 0.6 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 18), 0.7 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11,  2), 0.8 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11,  9), 0.6 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 16), 0.6 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 28), 0.67],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0,  1), 0.81],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0,  8), 0.78],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0, 12), 0.98],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0, 27), 1.84],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1, 10), 1.80],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1, 18), 1.80],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1, 24), 1.92],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2,  4), 2.49],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 11), 2.79],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 15), 2.73],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 25), 2.61],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3,  2), 2.76],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3,  6), 2.82],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3, 13), 2.8 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  4,  3), 2.1 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  4, 26), 1.1 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  5,  9), 0.25],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  5, 12), 0   ]
            }, {
                name: 'Winter 2008-2009',
                data: [
                    [Date.UTC(1970,  9, 18), 0   ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970,  9, 26), 0.2 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11,  1), 0.47],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 11), 0.55],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 25), 1.38],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0,  8), 1.38],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0, 15), 1.38],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1,  1), 1.38],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1,  8), 1.48],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1, 21), 1.5 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 12), 1.89],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 25), 2.0 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3,  4), 1.94],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3,  9), 1.91],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3, 13), 1.75],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3, 19), 1.6 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  4, 25), 0.6 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  4, 31), 0.35],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  5,  7), 0   ]
            }, {
                name: 'Winter 2009-2010',
                data: [
                    [Date.UTC(1970,  9,  9), 0   ],
                    [Date.UTC(1970,  9, 14), 0.15],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 28), 0.35],
                    [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 12), 0.46],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0,  1), 0.59],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  0, 24), 0.58],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1,  1), 0.62],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1,  7), 0.65],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  1, 23), 0.77],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2,  8), 0.77],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 14), 0.79],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  2, 24), 0.86],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3,  4), 0.8 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3, 18), 0.94],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  3, 24), 0.9 ],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  4, 16), 0.39],
                    [Date.UTC(1971,  4, 21), 0   ]

Is this json or another way of forming javascript objects?

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  • douzhang3898 2013-05-08 11:03

    Use stdClass.

    $obj = new stdClass();
    $obj->name = "Series Name";
    $obj->data = array(
    echo json_encode($obj);

    If you don't know what stdClass is, please, look at this topic

    EDIT: In order for JSON to produce valid code, all the key/value pairs, except for numeric ones, must be inside quotes




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