doujianzi8521 2011-08-29 10:41
浏览 101


I am trying to map traceroutes to google maps.

I have an array in php with traceroute data as

$c=ip,latitude,longitude, 2nd ip, its latitude, longitude, ip, its lat, its lng

I used json_encode($c, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) and saved the file

Now, how do I access this using javascript, by directly equating it to new JS object?

earlier I used to have a data format like this on harddrive

var data12 = {

    "ip": "some ip",

    "longitude": "some lng",

    "latitude": "some lat",


and in my javascript it was used as


and then simply acces the members as data[1].latitude

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  • dongliang2005 2011-08-29 10:49

    I recommend using the jQuery library. The minified version only has 31 kB in size and provides lots of useful functions.

    For parsing JSON, simply do

    var obj = jQuery.parseJSON ( ' {"name" : "John"} ' );

    You can now access everything easily:

    alert ( );

    Note: jQuery uses the browser's native JSON parser - if available - which is very quick and much safer then using the eval () method.

    Edit: To get data from the server side to the client side, there are two possibilities:

    1.) Use an AJAX request (quite simple with jQuery):

       $.ajax ( {
           url: "yourscript.php",
           dataType: "json",
           success: function ( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
               // process the data, you only need the "data" argument
               // jQuery will automatically parse the JSON for you!
       } );

    2.) Write the JSON object into the Javascript source code at page generation:

           $json = json_encode ( $your_array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT );
       <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript">
       var json_obj = jQuery.parseJSON ( ' + <?php echo $json; ?> + ' );
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