dsgfdgh14569 2014-05-07 15:47
浏览 72

php do while将无法使用next-> rowset

Hi i have my wamp server on my computer PHP 5.4.12 Apache 2.4.4 MYSQL 5.6.12

And my server PHP 5.5.3 Apache 2.4.6 MYSQL 5.5.37

and when i'm doing this function on my server i have this error : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error but in my localhost i don't have any error

function getinformationpublic($nocate)
        $public = array();
        global $Cnn;
        $reponse = $Cnn->prepare("CALL GetInfoPublicCible(:nocategorie)");
        do {
            $rowset = $reponse->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $public[] = $rowset; 

        } while ($reponse->nextRowset());

        return $public;
    catch (PDOException $erreur)


but when i'm doing this one on my server i don't have error

function getinformationpublic($nocate)
        $public = array();
        global $Cnn;
        $reponse = $Cnn->prepare("CALL GetInfoPublicCible(:nocategorie)");
            $rowset = $reponse->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $public[] = $rowset; 
                        $rowset = $reponse->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $public[] = $rowset; 
                        $rowset = $reponse->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $public[] = $rowset; 
                         $rowset = $reponse->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $public[] = $rowset; 
        return $public;
    catch (PDOException $erreur)

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  • doufei2007 2014-10-15 11:54

    I had same problem with PDO::nextRowset(), as it returns true even there is no more rowsets available, therefore when calling fetchAll(), it raises exception HY000. (tested on PHP 5.5.12 windows, Mysql 5.5.17 linux)

    A workaround for this problem is to check number of columns with method PDO::columnCount() before fetching rowset. If it is non-zero, you have a valid rowset, and thus you could call PDO::fetchAll().

    Even if PDO::nextRowset() reports true, columnCount() will report number of columns before moving to next rowset.


    while ($objQuery->columnCount()) {
        $tab[] = $objQuery->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
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