douya2982 2013-03-16 16:58
浏览 36


This question already has an answer here:

I am using Go 1.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.8.2, and I am experimenting with the json package, trying to marshal a struct to json, but I keep getting an empty {} json object.

The err value is nil, so nothing is wrong according to the json.Marshal function, and the struct is correct. Why is this happening?

package main

import (

type Address struct {
  street string
  extended string
  city string
  state string
  zip string

type Name struct {
  first string
  middle string
  last string

type Person struct {
  name Name
  age int
  address Address
  phone string

func main() {
  myname := Name{"Alfred", "H", "Eigenface"}
  myaddr := Address{"42 Place Rd", "Unit 2i", "Placeton", "ST", "00921"}
  me := Person{myname, 24, myaddr, "000 555-0001"}

  b, err := json.Marshal(me)

  if err != nil {

  fmt.Println(string(b))    // err is nil, but b is empty, why?
  fmt.Println(me)           // me is as expected, full of data
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  • douyuan9512 2013-03-16 16:59

    You have to make the fields that you want to marshal public. Like this:

    type Address struct {
      Street string
      Extended string
      City string
      State string
      Zip string

    err is nil because all the exported fields, in this case there are none, were marshalled correctly.

    Working example:

    Check out the docs

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