douhui9631 2016-02-24 20:30
浏览 142


I would expect

t, err := template.New("t1").Option("missingkey=error").Parse("{{index . \"/foo/bar\"}}")        
err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, d)

to return an error if the map 'd' doesn't have a key '/foo/bar', but everything is just fine. Am I missing something?

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  • duanlv2788 2016-02-24 20:40

    The missingkey option does not work with index. You will only get the desired result when you access the map using .<field-name>:

    t, err := template.New("t1").Option("missingkey=error").Parse(`{{.foo}}`)
    err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, d)

    You can get around this by defining your own index function that returns an error when a key is missing:

    package main
    import (
    func lookup(m map[string]interface{}, key string) (interface{}, error) {
        val, ok := m[key]
        if !ok {
            return nil, errors.New("missing key " + key)
        return val, nil
    func main() {
        d := map[string]interface{}{
            "/foo/bar": 34,
        fns := template.FuncMap{
            "lookup": lookup,
        t, err := template.New("t1").Funcs(fns).Parse(`{{ lookup . "/foo/baz" }}`)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("ERROR 1")
        err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, d)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("ERROR 2")

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