doutangshuan6473 2014-06-24 03:32
浏览 87


I'm still in the learning process of Go but am hitting a wall when it comes to JSON response arrays. Whenever I try to access a nested element of the "objects" array, Go throws (type interface {} does not support indexing)

What is going wrong and how can I avoid making this mistake in the future?

package main    

import (

func main() {
        payload := []byte(`{"query": "QEACOR139GID","count": 1,"objects": [{"ITEM_ID": "QEACOR139GID","PROD_CLASS_ID": "BMXCPGRIPS","AVAILABLE": 19}]}`)
        var result map[string]interface{}
        if err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &result); err != nil {



edit: Fixed link

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  • dongxi6897 2014-06-24 03:46

    As the error says, interface variables do not support indexing. You will need to use a type assertion to convert to the underlying type.

    When decoding into an interface{} variable, the JSON module represents arrays as []interface{} slices and dictionaries as map[string]interface{} maps.

    Without error checking, you could dig down into this JSON with something like:

    objects := result["objects"].([]interface{})
    first := objects[0].(map[string]interface{})

    These type assertions will panic if the types do not match. You can use the two-return form, you can check for this error. For example:

    objects, ok := result["objects"].([]interface{})
    if !ok {
        // Handle error here

    If the JSON follows a known format though, a better solution would be to decode into a structure. Given the data in your example, the following might do:

    type Result struct {
        Query   string `json:"query"`
        Count   int    `json:"count"`
        Objects []struct {
            ItemId      string `json:"ITEM_ID"`
            ProdClassId string `json:"PROD_CLASS_ID"`
            Available   int    `json:"AVAILABLE"`
        } `json:"objects"`

    If you decode into this type, you can access the item ID as result.Objects[0].ItemId.

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