doubi3996 2013-01-18 17:56
浏览 67


I am trying to write a utility program which encrypts and decrypts plain text files using a RSA key pair. The RSA keys were generated with ssh-keygen and are stored in .ssh, as usual.

I am having trouble understanding how to do that with the Go language crypto and crypto/rsa packages? The documentation on those is a little sparse (even more so because I am new to encryption) and there are very few examples. I checked the rsa_test.go file for any clues, but it only confused me more.

In short I am trying to load the public/private key pair from the id_rsa and files in .ssh and use them to encrypt/decrypt a plain text file.

Thank you in advance!

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  • doukou4066 2013-02-18 20:00

    Keep in mind that RSA is not designed to be a block cipher. Usually RSA is used to encrypt a symmetric key that is then used to encrypt the data. With that in mind, however, here is a program which can use an RSA private key to encrypt data that can be decrypted by itself:

    package main
    import (
    // Command-line flags
    var (
        keyFile = flag.String("key", "id_rsa", "Path to RSA private key")
        inFile  = flag.String("in", "in.txt", "Path to input file")
        outFile = flag.String("out", "out.txt", "Path to output file")
        label   = flag.String("label", "", "Label to use (filename by default)")
        decrypt = flag.Bool("decrypt", false, "Decrypt instead of encrypting")
    func main() {
        // Read the input file
        in, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*inFile)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("input file: %s", err)
        // Read the private key
        pemData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*keyFile)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("read key file: %s", err)
        // Extract the PEM-encoded data block
        block, _ := pem.Decode(pemData)
        if block == nil {
            log.Fatalf("bad key data: %s", "not PEM-encoded")
        if got, want := block.Type, "RSA PRIVATE KEY"; got != want {
            log.Fatalf("unknown key type %q, want %q", got, want)
        // Decode the RSA private key
        priv, err := x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("bad private key: %s", err)
        var out []byte
        if *decrypt {
            if *label == "" {
                *label = *outFile
            // Decrypt the data
            out, err = rsa.DecryptOAEP(sha1.New(), rand.Reader, priv, in, []byte(*label))
            if err != nil {
                log.Fatalf("decrypt: %s", err)
        } else {
            if *label == "" {
                *label = *inFile
            out, err = rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha1.New(), rand.Reader, &priv.PublicKey, in, []byte(*label))
            if err != nil {
                log.Fatalf("encrypt: %s", err)
        // Write data to output file
        if err := ioutil.WriteFile(*outFile, out, 0600); err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("write output: %s", err)
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