i'm using cgo for developing library binding from Go. Let me consider the C struct and Go Struct as below.
struct cons_t {
size_t type;
cons_t *car;
cons_t *cdr;
cons_t* parse(const char *str);
and this is go's struct
type Cons struct {
type int;
car *Cons;
cdr *Cons;
For implementing Go function as below, what is better way to implement TranslateCCons2GoCons?
func Parse (str string) *Cons {
str_ptr := C.CString(string);
cons_ptr := C.parse(str_ptr);
retCons := TranslateCCons2GoCons(cons_ptr);
return retCons;
My first answer is as below.
int getType(cons_t *cons) {
return cons->type;
cons_t *getCar(cons_t *cons) {
return cons->car;
cons_t *getCdr(cons_t *cons) {
return cons->cdr;
func TranslateCCons2GoCons (c *C.cons_t) Cons {
type := C.getType(c);
car := C.getCar(c);
cdr := C.getCdr(c);
// drop null termination for simplicity
return Cons{type, TranslateCCons2GoCons(car), TranslateCCons2GoCons(cdr)};
are there any better way?