doubei8541 2013-11-18 19:26
浏览 120


I was reading through one of golang's implementation of memory mapped files, First he describes the several access modes:

// RDONLY maps the memory read-only.
// Attempts to write to the MMap object will result in undefined behavior.
// RDWR maps the memory as read-write. Writes to the MMap object will update the
// underlying file.
RDWR = 1 << iota
// COPY maps the memory as copy-on-write. Writes to the MMap object will affect
// memory, but the underlying file will remain unchanged.

But in gommap test file I see this:

func TestReadWrite(t *testing.T) {
  mmap, err := Map(f, RDWR, 0)
  ... omitted for brevity...
  mmap[9] = 'X'

So why does he need to call Flush to make sure the contents are written to the file if the access mode is RDWR?

Or is the OS managing this so it only writes when it thinks it should?

If the last option, could you please explain it in a little more detail - what i read is that when the OS is low in memory it writes to the file and frees up memory. Is this correct and does it apply only to RDWR or only to COPY?


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  • douboshan1466 2013-11-18 19:39

    The program maps a region of memory using mmap. It then modifies the mapped region. The system isn't required to write those modifications back to the underlying file immediately, so a read call on that file (in ioutil.ReadAll) could return the prior contents of the file.

    The system will write the changes to the file at some point after you make the changes. It is allowed to write the changes to the file any time after the changes are made, but by default makes no guarantees about when it writes those changes. All you know is that (unless the system crashes), the changes will be written at some point in the future.

    If you need to guarantee that the changes have been written to the file at some point in time, then you must call msync.

    The mmap.Flush function calls msync with the MS_SYNC flag. When that system call returns, the system has written the modifications to the underlying file, so that any subsequent call to read will read the modified file.

    The COPY option sets the mapping to MAP_PRIVATE, so your changes will never be written back to the file, even if you using msync (via the Flush function).

    Read the POSIX documentation about mmap and msync for full details.

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