douman9420 2019-03-06 01:09
浏览 627


Is there a simple way in Go to check whether given JSON is either an Object {} or array []?

The first thing that comes to mind is to json.Unmarshal() into an interface, and then see if it becomes a map, or a slice of maps. But that seems quite inefficient.

Could I just check if the first byte is a { or a [? Or is there a better way of doing this that already exists.

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  • duancuan7057 2019-03-06 01:40

    Use the following the following to detect if JSON text in the []byte value data is an array or object:

     // Get slice of data with optional leading whitespace removed.
     // See RFC 7159, Section 2 for the definition of JSON whitespace.
     x := bytes.TrimLeft(data, " \t
     isArray := len(x) > 0 && x[0] == '['
     isObject := len(x) > 0 && x[0] == '{'

    This snippet of code handles optional leading whitespace and is more efficient than unmarshalling the entire value.

    Because the top-level value in JSON can also be a number, string, boolean or nil, it's possible that isArray and isObject both evaluate to false. The values isArray and isObject can also evaluate to false when the JSON is invalid.

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