doulai6469 2018-02-01 18:17
浏览 127

将GO YAML解组到地图或字符串

I'm trying to unmarshal YAML entries that can be either a string or a list of key: value strings (a map as per Go). I cannot figure out how to get this done sadly. I know I can write my own unmarshaller but that seems to only work with structs.

I have the first part working:

package main

import (


type Data struct {
    Entry []Entry `yaml:"entries"`

type Entry map[string]string

var dat string = `
  - keya1: val1
    keya2: val2
  - keyb1: val1
    keyb2: val2
  - val3`

func main() {
    out := Data{}
    if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(dat), &out); err != nil {

    log.Printf("%+v", out)

But the - val3 entry causes an error now, obviously. How can I get it to recognise both lists and single string entries?

Thank you

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  • dongmieqiao3152 2018-02-01 19:17

    This has been answered in various ways before, but long story short it is easy unmarshall into an interface and then deal with both cases

    type Entry interface{}
    for _, entry := range out.Entry {
            switch i := entry.(type) {
            case string:
                log.Printf("i is a string %+v
    ", i)
            case map[interface{}]interface{}:
                log.Printf("i is a map %+v
    ", i)
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