I'm currently parsing a time string and saving it to the db (Postgresql):
event.Time, _ := time.Parse("3:04 PM", "9:00 PM")
// value of event.Time now is: 0000-01-01 21:00:00 +0000 UTC
It's giving me this error: pq: R:"DateTimeParseError" S:"ERROR" C:"22008" M:"date/time field value out of range: \"0000-01-01T21:00:00Z\"" F:"datetime.c" L:"3540"
's type is time.Time
I also tried setting event.Time
's type to string and using time data type in postgresql:
type Event struct {
Time string `gorm:"type:time
But now I'm getting an error when fetching records in the db:
sql: Scan error on column index 4: unsupported driver -> Scan pair: time.Time -> *string