douce1368 2015-07-07 21:26
浏览 68


I'm quite a basic Go programmer and I've been taking a look at this small Scheme interpreter and I've been trying to understand how it works.

I found it here:

I read the webpage, but I'm still struggling to understand how it works because the source code is obviously written by someone who's a lot more familiar with Go than I am.

Particularly there's these lines that I'm struggling to understand:

e := expression.(type) // Line 73

I'm not sure what the .(type) part means, I thought it was casting but it doesn't look like the casting I've seen before.

switch p := procedure.(type) {
case func(...scmer) scmer:
    value = p(args...)
case proc:
    en := &env{make(vars), p.en}
    switch params := p.params.(type) {
    case []scmer:
        for i, param := range params {
            en.vars[param.(symbol)] = args[i]
        en.vars[params.(symbol)] = args
    value = eval(p.body, en)

I don't really understand any of this code to be honest. Lines 73 - 86

*tokens = (*tokens)[1:] // Line 208

I'm not sure what this line means due to it's weird syntax. I get that its pointers and that the parenthesises are because of the *. But I'm not sure what that lines doing.

Finally there's these lines:

token := (*tokens)[0]
*tokens = (*tokens)[1:]
switch token {
case "(": //a list begins
    L := make([]scmer, 0)
    for (*tokens)[0] != ")" {
        if i := readFrom(tokens); i != symbol("") {
            L = append(L, i)
    *tokens = (*tokens)[1:]
    return L

I don't know what these lines do either. Lines 198 - 209

Here's the complete code if you want it, I realise it's 250 lines long but I'd really appreciate as many explanations about what its doing as possible.

 * A minimal Scheme interpreter, as seen in and SICP
 * Pieter Kelchtermans 2013
package main

import (

func main() {

 Eval / Apply

func eval(expression scmer, en *env) (value scmer) {
    switch e := expression.(type) {
    case number:
        value = e
    case symbol:
        value = en.Find(e).vars[e]
    case []scmer:
        switch car, _ := e[0].(symbol); car {
        case "quote":
            value = e[1]
        case "if":
            if eval(e[1], en).(bool) {
                value = eval(e[2], en)
            } else {
                value = eval(e[3], en)
        case "set!":
            v := e[1].(symbol)
            en.Find(v).vars[v] = eval(e[2], en)
            value = "ok"
        case "define":
            en.vars[e[1].(symbol)] = eval(e[2], en)
            value = "ok"
        case "lambda":
            value = proc{e[1], e[2], en}
        case "begin":
            for _, i := range e[1:] {
                value = eval(i, en)
            operands := e[1:]
            values := make([]scmer, len(operands))
            for i, x := range operands {
                values[i] = eval(x, en)
            value = apply(eval(e[0], en), values)
        log.Println("Unknown expression type - EVAL", e)

func apply(procedure scmer, args []scmer) (value scmer) {
    switch p := procedure.(type) {
    case func(...scmer) scmer:
        value = p(args...)
    case proc:
        en := &env{make(vars), p.en}
        switch params := p.params.(type) {
        case []scmer:
            for i, param := range params {
                en.vars[param.(symbol)] = args[i]
            en.vars[params.(symbol)] = args
        value = eval(p.body, en)
        log.Println("Unknown procedure type - APPLY", p)

type proc struct {
    params, body scmer
    en           *env


type vars map[symbol]scmer
type env struct {
    outer *env

func (e *env) Find(s symbol) *env {
    if _, ok := e.vars[s]; ok {
        return e
    } else {
        return e.outer.Find(s)


var globalenv env

func init() {
    globalenv = env{
        vars{ //aka an incomplete set of compiled-in functions
            "+": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                v := a[0].(number)
                for _, i := range a[1:] {
                    v += i.(number)
                return v
            "-": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                v := a[0].(number)
                for _, i := range a[1:] {
                    v -= i.(number)
                return v
            "*": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                v := a[0].(number)
                for _, i := range a[1:] {
                    v *= i.(number)
                return v
            "/": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                v := a[0].(number)
                for _, i := range a[1:] {
                    v /= i.(number)
                return v
            "<=": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                return a[0].(number) <= a[1].(number)
            "equal?": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                return reflect.DeepEqual(a[0], a[1])
            "cons": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                switch car := a[0]; cdr := a[1].(type) {
                case []scmer:
                    return append([]scmer{car}, cdr...)
                    return []scmer{car, cdr}
            "car": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                return a[0].([]scmer)[0]
            "cdr": func(a ...scmer) scmer {
                return a[0].([]scmer)[1:]
            "list": eval(read(
                "(lambda z z)"),


//symbols, numbers, expressions, procedures, lists, ... all implement this interface, which enables passing them along in the interpreter
type scmer interface{}

type symbol string  //symbols are represented by strings
type number float64 //numbers by float64

func read(s string) (expression scmer) {
    tokens := tokenize(s)
    return readFrom(&tokens)

//Syntactic Analysis
func readFrom(tokens *[]string) (expression scmer) {
    //pop first element from tokens
    token := (*tokens)[0]
    *tokens = (*tokens)[1:]
    switch token {
    case "(": //a list begins
        L := make([]scmer, 0)
        for (*tokens)[0] != ")" {
            if i := readFrom(tokens); i != symbol("") {
                L = append(L, i)
        *tokens = (*tokens)[1:]
        return L
    default: //an atom occurs
        if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(token, 64); err == nil {
            return number(f)
        } else {
            return symbol(token)

//Lexical Analysis
func tokenize(s string) []string {
    return strings.Split(
        strings.Replace(strings.Replace(s, "(", "( ",
            -1), ")", " )",
            -1), " ")


func String(v scmer) string {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case []scmer:
        l := make([]string, len(v))
        for i, x := range v {
            l[i] = String(x)
        return "(" + strings.Join(l, " ") + ")"
        return fmt.Sprint(v)

func Repl() {
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    for fmt.Print("> "); scanner.Scan(); fmt.Print("> ") {
        fmt.Println("==>", String(eval(read(scanner.Text()), &globalenv)))
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  • dqyknf4423 2015-07-07 22:10

    First one is type switch. You can read about it more here.

    Second one is slicing like in python (if you know it, should be familiar)

    ls = ls[1:]

    We're skipping first item and taking the rest of the slice/list.

    As I see from your comments, I think it's not a good starting point to experiment with golang.




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