Why is my transaction processor not receiving the request I post via the rest API?
I have built a client and Transaction Processor (TP), in Golang, which is not much different to the XO example. I have successfully got the TP running locally to the Sawtooth components, and sending batch lists from a separate cli tool. Currently the apply method in the TP is not being hit and does not receive any of my transactions.
EDIT: In order to simplify and clarify my problem as much as possible, I have abandoned my original source code, and built a simpler client that sends a transaction for the XO sdk example.*
When I run the tool that I have built, the rest api successfully receives the request, processes and returns a 202 response but appears to omit the id of the batch from the batch statuses url. Inspecting the logs it appears as though the validator never receives the request from the rest api, as illustrated in the logs below.
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2018-05-16 09:16:38.861 DEBUG route_handlers] Sending CLIENT_BATCH_SUBMIT_REQUEST request to validator
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2018-05-16 09:16:38.863 DEBUG route_handlers] Received CLIENT_BATCH_SUBMIT_RESPONSE response from validator with status OK
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2018-05-16 09:16:38.863 INFO helpers] POST /batches HTTP/1.1: 202 status, 213 size, in 0.002275 s
My entire command line tool that sends transactions to a local instance is below.
package main
import (
var restAPI string
func main() {
var hostname, port string
flag.StringVar(&hostname, "hostname", "localhost", "The hostname to host the application on (default: localhost).")
flag.StringVar(&port, "port", "8080", "The port to listen on for connection (default: 8080)")
flag.StringVar(&restAPI, "restAPI", "http://localhost:8008", "The address of the sawtooth REST API")
s := time.Now()
ctx := signing.CreateContext("secp256k1")
key := ctx.NewRandomPrivateKey()
snr := signing.NewCryptoFactory(ctx).NewSigner(key)
payload := "testing_new,create,"
encoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(payload))
trn := BuildTransaction(
trn.Payload = []byte(encoded)
batchList := &batch_pb2.BatchList{
Batches: []*batch_pb2.Batch{
serialised := batchList.String()
resp, err := http.Post(
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
elapsed := time.Since(s)
log.Printf("Creation took %s", elapsed)
resp.Close = true
// BuildTransaction will build a transaction based on the information provided
func BuildTransaction(ID, payload, familyName, familyVersion string, snr *signing.Signer) *transaction_pb2.Transaction {
publicKeyHex := snr.GetPublicKey().AsHex()
payloadHash := Hexdigest(string(payload))
addr := Hexdigest(familyName)[:6] + Hexdigest(ID)[:64]
transactionHeader := &transaction_pb2.TransactionHeader{
FamilyName: familyName,
FamilyVersion: familyVersion,
SignerPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
BatcherPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
Inputs: []string{addr},
Outputs: []string{addr},
Dependencies: []string{},
PayloadSha512: payloadHash,
Nonce: GenerateNonce(),
header := transactionHeader.String()
headerBytes := []byte(header)
headerSig := hex.EncodeToString(snr.Sign(headerBytes))
return &transaction_pb2.Transaction{
Header: headerBytes,
HeaderSignature: headerSig[:64],
Payload: []byte(payload),
// BuildBatch will build a batch using the provided transactions
func BuildBatch(trans []*transaction_pb2.Transaction, snr *signing.Signer) *batch_pb2.Batch {
ids := []string{}
for _, t := range trans {
ids = append(ids, t.HeaderSignature)
batchHeader := &batch_pb2.BatchHeader{
SignerPublicKey: snr.GetPublicKey().AsHex(),
TransactionIds: ids,
return &batch_pb2.Batch{
Header: []byte(batchHeader.String()),
HeaderSignature: hex.EncodeToString(snr.Sign([]byte(batchHeader.String())))[:64],
Transactions: trans,
// Hexdigest will hash the string and return the result as hex
func Hexdigest(str string) string {
hash := sha512.New()
hashBytes := hash.Sum(nil)
return strings.ToLower(hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes))
// GenerateNonce will generate a random string to use
func GenerateNonce() string {
return randStringBytesMaskImprSrc(16)
const (
letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
letterIdxBits = 6 // 6 bits to represent a letter index
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits
func randStringBytesMaskImprSrc(n int) string {
b := make([]byte, n)
// A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters!
for i, cache, remain := n-1, rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
if remain == 0 {
cache, remain = rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax
if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
cache >>= letterIdxBits
return string(b)