dongshedan4672 2017-10-23 14:38 采纳率: 0%
浏览 210


I'm trying to get a specific array of objects depending on ObjectId they have.

Here is my MongoDB database:

    "_id" : ObjectId("59edb571593904117884b721"),
    "userids" : [
    "macaddress" : "MACADDRESS",
    "devices" : [ ],
    "projectorbrand" : "",
    "_id" : ObjectId("59edb584593904117884b722"),
    "userids" : [
    "macaddress" : "MACADDRESS2",
    "devices" : [ ],
    "projectorbrand" : "",

The command in MongoDB is:

db.getCollection('co4b').find( {
    userids: { $all: [ ObjectId("59edb459593904117884b71f") ] }
} )

This will work and will return an array filtered correctly. I would like to translate this query in Golang.

Here is my code:

pipe := bson.M{"userids": bson.M{"$all": objectId}}
var objects[]models.Objects
if err := uc.session.DB("API").C("objects").Pipe(pipe).All(&objects); err != nil {
    SendError(w, "error", 500, err.Error())
} else {
    for i := 0; i < len(objects); i++ {
        objects[i].Actions = nil
    uj, _ := json.MarshalIndent(objects, "", " ")
    SendSuccessJson(w, uj)

I'm getting error like wrong type for field (pipeline) 3 != 4. I saw that $all needs string array but how to filter by ObjectId instead of string?

Thanks for help

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  • donglong2856 2017-10-23 20:37

    You are attempting to use the aggregation framework in your mgo solution, yet the query you try to implement does not use one (and does not need one).

    The query:

        userids: {$all: [ObjectId("59edb459593904117884b71f")] }

    Can simply be transformed to mgo like this:

    c := uc.session.DB("API").C("objects")
    var objects []models.Objects
    err := c.Find(bson.M{"userids": bson.M{
        "$all": []interface{}{bson.ObjectIdHex("59edb459593904117884b71f")},

    Also note that if you're using $all with a single element, you can also implement that query using $elemMatch, which in MongoDB console would like this:

        userids: {$elemMatch: {$eq: ObjectId("59edb459593904117884b71f")}}

    Which looks like this in mgo:

    err := c.Find(bson.M{"userids": bson.M{
        "$elemMatch": bson.M{"$eq": bson.ObjectIdHex("59edb459593904117884b71f")},
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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