dstbp22002 2018-06-18 06:21
浏览 1413

如何通过kubernetes go-client获取pods资源使用情况?

I am trying to build an API, which can send back my pods' resource usage. Looking at the resources being used by the pods, I am not able to figure out the go-client API to send the request to. Any help will be very appreciated.

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  • dqhr76378 2018-06-18 20:53
    1. I'm pretty sure the kuberetes-dashboard uses XHR to obtain that data, so you can make the same requests your browser does, provided your serviceAccount has the correct credentials to interrogate the kubernetes-dashboard API

    2. either way, that timeseries data surfaced by kubernetes-dashboard actually comes from heapster, not from the kubernetes API itself, so the kubernetes go-client wouldn't be involved but rather would be a query to the heapster Service (which IIRC does not require authentication, although it would require constructing the correct heapster query syntax, which kubernetes-dashboard is doing on your behalf)

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