douyanjing0822 2016-05-08 08:51
浏览 91

我写了其余的api,但主体在golang中返回nil。 为什么返回“ 0 {<nil> false [] <nil> false 0 <nil> 0}”

func InsertApData(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    fmt.Printf("Request Body : ", decoder)
    var apdata models.ApData
    err := decoder.Decode(&apdata)
    _, err2 := stmt.InsertApData.Exec(apdata.Mac, apdata.RssiMax, apdata.RssiMin, apdata.LocDefId)

and data type for db

type ApData struct {
    ID       int    `db:"id"`
    Mac      string `db:"mac"`
    RssiMax  uint64 `db:"rssi_max"`
    RssiMin  uint16 `db:"rssi_min"`
    LocDefId uint64 `db:"loc_def_id"`

Why returning

Request Body : %!(EXTRA *json.Decoder=&{0xc820012b00 [] {[] 0 { false [] false 0 0} { false [] false 0 0} false} 0 { false [] false 0 0} 0 []})

also json :

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  • dongshi1868 2016-05-08 11:53

    If you examine the source code for json.Decoder,

    type Decoder struct {
        r     io.Reader
        buf   []byte
        d     decodeState
        scanp int // start of unread data in buf
        scan  scanner
        err   error
        tokenState int
        tokenStack []int
    func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
        return &Decoder{r: r}

    you can see that NewDecoder only sets the r field, and that is what you are observing in the output of fmt.Printf.

    Until you execute err := decoder.Decode(&apdata), your structure will not be filled in. What you are seeing in the output is the content of the decoder, not the body or your structure.

    If you print your structure after running err := decoder.Decode(&apdata), it contains proper data:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        input := `{
        decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input))
        var apdata struct {
                ID       int    `db:"id"`
                Mac      string `json:"mac" db:"mac"`
                RssiMax  uint64 `json:"rssi_max" db:"rssi_max"`
                RssiMin  uint16 `json:"rssi_min" db:"rssi_min"`
                LocDefId uint64 `json:"loc_def_id" db:"loc_def_id"`
        _ = decoder.Decode(&apdata)
        fmt.Printf("appdata : %+v
    ", apdata)


    appdata : {ID:0 Mac:01:0a:95:9d:68:20 RssiMax:0 RssiMin:0 LocDefId:1}

    The RssiMax and RssiMin are zero because they are unsigned ints receiving negative values.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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