doubu7134 2016-12-03 00:46
浏览 315


I was playing with golang 1.7.3 on MacBook and Ubuntu and found that runtime.GOMAXPROCS is limited to 256. Does anyone know where this limit comes from? Is this documented anywhere and why would there be a limit? Is this an implementation optimization?

Only reference to 256 I could find is on this page that describes golang's runtime package: The runtime.MemStats struct has a couple of stat arrays of size 256:

type MemStats struct {
    PauseNs       [256]uint64 // circular buffer of recent GC pause durations, most recent at [(NumGC+255)%256]
    PauseEnd      [256]uint64 // circular buffer of recent GC pause end times

Here's example golang code I used:

func main() {
log.Printf("GOMAXPROCS %d
", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))



P.S. Also, can someone point me to documentation on how this GOMAXPROCS relate to OS thread count used by golang scheduler (if at all). Shall we observe go-compiled code running GOMAXPROCS OS threads?

EDIT: Thanks @twotwotwo for pointing out how GOMAXPROCS relate to OS threads. Still it's interesting that documentation does not mention this 256 limit (other that in the MemStats struct which may or may not be related).

I wonder if anyone is aware of the true reason for this 256 number.

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  • dongyashun2559 2017-09-28 21:10

    Note that, starting the next Go 1.10 (Q1 2018), GOMAXPROCS will be limited by ... nothing.

    The runtime no longer artificially limits GOMAXPROCS (previously it was limited to 1024).

    See commit ee55000 by Austin Clements (aclements), which fixes issue 15131.

    Now that allp is dynamically allocated, there's no need for a hard cap on GOMAXPROCS.

    allp is defined here.

    See also commit e900e27:

    runtime: clean up loops over allp

    allp now has length gomaxprocs, which means none of allp[i] are nil or in state _Pdead.
    This lets replace several different styles of loops over allp with normal range loops.

    for i := 0; i < gomaxprocs; i++ { ... } loops can simply range over allp.
    Likewise, range loops over allp[:gomaxprocs] can just range over allp.

    Loops that check for p == nil || p.state == _Pdead don't need to check this any more.

    Loops that check for p == nil don't have to check this if dead Ps don't affect them. I checked that all such loops are, in fact, unaffected by dead Ps. One loop was potentially affected, which this fixes by zeroing p.gcAssistTime in procresize.

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