I use gin-gonic's r.Static("files", "./files")
to serve all files in the files
directory. Is there a way to set headers for these file requests so I can allow CORS?
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- dsgsdg206050 2017-03-31 03:52关注
There is an official Gin middleware providing this functionality.
A Good starting template (from their examples)
func main() { router := gin.Default() // - No origin allowed by default // - GET,POST, PUT, HEAD methods // - Credentials share disabled // - Preflight requests cached for 12 hours config := cors.DefaultConfig() config.AllowOrigins = []string{"http://google.com"} config.AddAllowOrigins("http://facebook.com") // config.AllowOrigins == []string{"http://google.com", "http://facebook.com"} router.Use(cors.New(config)) router.Run() }
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