dqcj32855 2016-04-27 13:12
浏览 34

将引用类型为“ slice”的变量分配给另一个变量,为什么它们不同时更改?

anotherSlice := theSlice
anotherSlice = append(anotherSlice, newEle)
fmt.Println(len(anotherSlice) == len(theSlice))

This snippet will output false. Why?

And here are some other experiments:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    theSlice := []int{3,3,2,5,12,43}
    anotherSlice := theSlice
    fmt.Println(anotherSlice[3], theSlice[3])
    anotherSlice[3] = anotherSlice[3]+2
    fmt.Println(anotherSlice[3], theSlice[3])
    anotherSlice = append(anotherSlice[:3], anotherSlice[4:]...)

The output is like below:

5 5
7 7
5 6

Program exited.
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  • dousi1097 2016-04-27 13:18

    Whenever appended slice anotherSlice has no capacity for the new element, append function creates new slice and returns it. Since then the slices anotherSlice and theSlice are different - they are backed by separate arrays.

    Reslicing slice with a shorter length anotherSlice[:3] has no impact on the original capacity of the slice.

    The following line:

    anotherSlice = append(anotherSlice[:3], anotherSlice[4:]...)

    cuts out fourth (index 3) element. Because anotherSlice[:3] has capacity to hold all elements of anotherSlice[4:] no new allocation happens and therefore both slices are modified.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
            x := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
            fmt.Println(cap(x[:3]) >= len(x[:3])+len(x[4:]))
            y := append(x[:3], x[4:]...)
            fmt.Println(x, y)


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