编程介的小学生 2019-12-12 22:40 采纳率: 20.5%
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Area of Polycubes 具体的做法

Problem Description
A polycube is a solid made by gluing together unit cubes (one unit on each edge) on one or more faces. The figure in the lower-left is not a polycube because some cubes are attached along an edge.

For this problem, the polycube will be formed from unit cubes centered at integer lattice points in 3-space. The polycube will be built up one cube at a time, starting with a cube centered at (0,0,0). At each step of the process (after the first cube), the next cube must have a face in common with a cube previously included and not be the same as a block previously included. For example, a 1-by-1-by-5 block (as shown above in the upper-left polycube) could be built up as:

(0,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,0,2) (0,0,3) (0,0,4)

and a 2-by-2-by-2 cube (upper-right figure) could be built as:

(0,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,1,1) (0,1, 0) (1,0,0) (1,0,1) (1,1,1) (1,1, 0)

Since the surface of the polycube is made up of unit squares, its area is an integer.

Write a program which takes as input a sequence of integer lattice points in 3-space and determines whether is correctly forms a polycube and, if so, what the surface area of the polycube is.

The first line of input contains a single integer N, (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000) which is the number of data sets that follow. Each data set consists of multiple lines of input. The first line contains the number of points P, (1 ≤ P ≤ 100) in the problem instance. Each succeeding line contains the centers of the cubes, eight to a line (except possibly for the last line). Each center is given as 3 integers, separated by commas. The points are separated by a single space.

For each data set, you should generate one line of output with the following values: The data set number as a decimal integer (start counting at one), a space and the surface area of the polycube if it is correctly formed, OR, if it is not correctly formed, the string "NO" a space and the index (starting with 1) of the first cube which does not share a face with a previous cube. Note that the surface area includes the area of any included holes.

Sample Input
0,0,0 0,0,1 0,0,2 0,0,3 0,0,4
0,0,0 0,0,1 0,1,0 0,1,1 1,0,0 1,0,1 1,1,0 1,1,1
0,0,0 0,0,1 1,1,0 1,1,1
0,0,0 0,0,1 0,0,2 0,1,2 0,2,2 0,2,1 0,2,0 0,1,0
1,0,0 2,0,0 1,0,2 2,0,2 1,2,2 2,2,2 1,2,0 2,2,0
2,1,0 2,1,2 2,0,1 2,2,1

Sample Output
1 22
2 24
3 NO 3
4 72

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