I'm having a problem here that I can't exit goroutine safely.
I'm having an external process created using exec.Command (storing cmd, stdin pipe and stdout pipe of the process):
exec.Command(args[0], args[1]...) // args[0] is a base command
Whenever there is a need to start that process I'm calling:
Then upon start and attaching I'm running 2 goroutines:
shutdown := make(chan struct{})
// Run the routine which will read from process and send the data to CmdIn channel
go pr.cmdInRoutine()
// Run the routine which will read from CmdOut and write to process
go pr.cmdOutRoutine()
func (pr *ExternalProcess) cmdInRoutine() {
app.At(te, "cmdInRoutine")
for {
select {
case <-pr.shutdown:
println("!!! Shutting cmdInRoutine down !!!")
println("Inside the for loop of the CmdInRoutine")
if pr.stdOutPipe == nil {
println("!!! Standard output pipe is nil. Sending Exit Request !!!")
pr.ProcessExit <- true
buf := make([]byte, 2048)
size, err := pr.stdOutPipe.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
println("!!! Sending exit request from cmdInRoutine !!!")
pr.ProcessExit <- true
println("--- Received data for sending to CmdIn:", string(buf[:size]))
pr.CmdIn <- buf[:size]
func (pr *ExternalProcess) cmdOutRoutine() {
app.At(te, "cmdOutRoutine")
for {
select {
case <-pr.shutdown:
println("!!! Shutting cmdOutRoutine down !!!")
case data := <-pr.CmdOut:
println("Received data for sending to Process: ", data)
if pr.stdInPipe == nil {
println("!!! Standard input pipe is nil. Sending Exit Request !!!")
pr.ProcessExit <- true
println("--- Received input to write to external process:", string(data))
_, err := pr.stdInPipe.Write(append(data, '
if err != nil {
println("!!! Couldn't Write To the std in pipe of the process !!!")
pr.ProcessExit <- true
Interesting cases here:
1) When process sends EOF (don't mind the pr.ProcessExit <- true I was notifying to the parent handler using a channel to stop and exit the process) in cmdInRoutine I'm closing the shutdown channel too and this lets cmdOutRoutine to exit because inside the select statement there's no default case so it blocks and waits for either exit or data in which then gets written to the running process using stored stdInPipe.
2) When I want to just stop goroutines but leave process running i.e kind of pausing the read and write I'm closing the shutdown channel with the hope that those 2 goroutines will end.
- cmdOutRoutine prints !!! Shutting cmdOutRoutine down !!! because select doesn't have default case and closing the shutdown channel causes returning almost immediately
- cmdOutRoutine doesn't print anything and I'm having a weird feeling that it's not even returning, I think because It's blocked in the default case at reading from stdInPipe.
I was thinking of running another goroutine inside the cmdOutRoutine before the for loop and have stdIn data of the process converted into a channel then I would be able to eliminate default case in cmdInRoutine but this creates another problem, that new goroutine also has to be stopped it will still be blocked by the reading from the stdIn of the running process.
Any ideas how can I resolve this (modify the logic) to meet the needs of shutting down anytime and starting goroutines (process I/O) but not the running process itself? Or Is there a way to avoid blocking calls of read and write at all, that I'm not aware of yet?
Thanks a lot.