Been doing a lot of searching, and although i can find a bunch of good articles that explain how to work with the pq package directly. I'm at a loss of working in context of go-gorm and the postgresql dialect.
If in checks.go I use the ChecksMap it doesn't let me insert but will let me find. If i use postgres.jsonb it lets me insert and query, but the found records will be of jsonb.
Gorm uses the struct of the pointer to determine the db table and schema. This is causing headaches when using a generic searchHandler utility which returns a json response from the API. For any non jsonb types gorm works with the proper structs and uses the json tags, but for jsonb since it doesn't have a reference to the jsonb's "struct" it can't use the json tags. This causes the return API json to have capitalized keys.
results: {
id: "123",
someId: "456",
results: [
Description: "foobar"
Is there an elegant way to handling this sort of thing so the jsonb results column will be of the correct struct and use the lowercased json tags? Am i just trying to do things which shouldn't be done within the context of go-gorm?
id text,
some_id text,
results jsonb
type CheckRules struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
type ChecksMap map[string]CheckRules
type Checks struct {
ID string `gorm: "primary_key", json:"id"`
SomeID *string `json:"someId"`
Results postgres.jsonb `json:"results"` // <-- this
// results ChecksMap `gorm:"type:jsonb" json:"results"` // <-- or this
// func (cm *ChecksMap) Value() (driver.Value, error) {...}
// func (cm *ChecksMap) Scan(val interface{}) error {...}
var resultsVal = getResultsValue() // simplified
resJson, _ := json.Marshal(resultsVal)
checks := Checks{
SomeID: "123",
Results: postgres.Jsonb{ RawMessage: json.RawMessage(resJson) }
err := db.Create(&checks).Error
// ... some error handling
var checks Checks
err := db.Find(&checks).Error
// ... some error handling
func SearchHandler(db *gorm.DB, model, results interface{}) func(c echo.Context) error {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
err := db.Find(results).Error
// ... some error handling
jsnRes, _ := json.Marshal(results) // <-- uppercase "keys"
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, struct {
Results interface{} `json:"results"`
Results: string(jsnRes),