Setting GODEBUG=gctrace=1
causes the Go garbage collector to emit a single line to standard error about internal info about each GC round. Let's say I have this output:
gc 1 @0.021s 0%: 0.15+0.37+0.25 ms clock, 3.0+0.19/0.39/0.60+5.0 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 2 @0.024s 0%: 0.097+0.94+0.16 ms clock, 0.29+0.21/1.3/0+0.49 ms cpu, 4->4->1 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 3 @0.027s 1%: 0.10+0.43+0.17 ms clock, 0.60+0.48/1.5/0+1.0 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 4 @0.028s 1%: 0.18+0.41+0.28 ms clock, 0.18+0.69/2.0/0+0.28 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 5 @0.031s 1%: 0.078+0.35+0.29 ms clock, 1.1+0.26/2.0/0+4.4 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 6 @0.032s 1%: 0.11+0.50+0.32 ms clock, 0.22+0.99/2.3/0+0.64 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 7 @0.034s 1%: 0.18+0.39+0.27 ms clock, 0.18+0.56/2.2/0+0.27 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 8 @0.035s 2%: 0.12+0.40+0.27 ms clock, 0.12+0.63/2.2/0+0.27 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 9 @0.036s 2%: 0.13+0.41+0.26 ms clock, 0.13+0.52/2.2/0+0.26 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 10 @0.038s 2%: 0.099+0.51+0.20 ms clock, 0.19+0.56/1.9/0+0.40 ms cpu, 4->5->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 11 @0.039s 2%: 0.10+0.46+0.20 ms clock, 0.10+0.23/1.3/0.005+0.20 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 12 @0.040s 2%: 0.066+0.46+0.24 ms clock, 0.93+0.40/1.7/0+3.4 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 13 @0.041s 2%: 0.099+0.30+0.20 ms clock, 0.099+0.60/1.7/0+0.20 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 14 @0.042s 2%: 0.095+0.45+0.24 ms clock, 0.38+0.58/2.0/0+0.98 ms cpu, 4->5->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 15 @0.044s 2%: 0.095+0.45+0.21 ms clock, 1.0+0.78/1.9/0+2.3 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 16 @0.045s 3%: 0.10+0.45+0.23 ms clock, 0.10+0.70/2.1/0+0.23 ms cpu, 4->5->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 17 @0.046s 3%: 0.088+0.40+0.17 ms clock, 0.088+0.45/1.9/0+0.17 ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 48 P
gc 6789 @9.998s 12%: 0.17+0.91+0.24 ms clock, 0.85+1.8/5.0/0+1.2 ms cpu, 4->6->1 MB, 6 MB goal, 48 P
gc 6790 @10.000s 12%: 0.086+0.55+0.24 ms clock, 0.78+0.30/4.2/0.043+2.2 ms cpu, 4->5->1 MB, 6 MB goal, 48 P
There is a definition of these values in documention:
gc # @#s #%: #+#+# ms clock#+#/#/#+# ms cpu, #->#-># MB, # MB goal, #P
where the fields are as follows:
gc # the GC number, incremented at each GC
@#s time in seconds since program start
#% percentage of time spent in GC since program start
#+...+# wall-clock/CPU times for the phases of the GC
#->#-># MB heap size at GC start, at GC end, and live heap
# MB goal goal heap size
# P number of processors used
What I am really confused with is #->#-># MB heap size at GC start, at GC end, and live heap
Is that correct, that at each round GC releases some amount of unused(garbage) memory to OS and this must decrease heap size ? If yes, then why some values of heap are increasing ? For example: 4->5->0. We had 4MB memory, including garbage, before the GC start. Then, how it is possible to get 5MB of memory after we cleaned up the garbage from it ?
The third value is live heap size. What is the difference between the regular heap size ? I suppose that it is heap w/o garbage.
How the goal heap size is calculated ? Is that correct it is a heap size that GC wants to achieve after the cleanup ? Then why this value is greater than heap size before the GC start ?