I have the following query in go lang which works fine:
query["name"] = bson.M{"$regex": searchStr, "$options": "i"}
query["likes"] = userSession.Id
c.Find(query).Skip(0).Limit(2).Select(bson.M{"name":1, "profile":1, "description":1, "user_id":1, "likes":1}).Sort("-pro", "-check").All(&business);
Then I tried to write the same query using the aggregation framework:
query["name"] = bson.M{"$regex": searchStr, "$options": "i"}
query["likes"] = userSession.Id
oe := bson.M{
"$match" :query,
oa := bson.M{
"$project": bson.M {"pro": 1, "check": 1, "name":1, "profile":1, "description":1, "user_id":1, "likes":1, "nrLikes": bson.M{ "$size": "$likes" }, "city": 1, "country": 1, "industry": 1},
ol := bson.M{
"$limit" :pageSize,
os := bson.M{
"$skip" :skips,
or := bson.M{
"$sort" : bson.M {"pro": -1, "check": -1},
pipe := c.Pipe([]bson.M{oe, oa, or, os, ol })
The second query works fine 90% of the time, but 10% of the times it returns a different order for results.
Any thoughts?
Later edit: Here are the resuls
"description": "<p>sasdfdasf</p>",
"profile": []interface {}{
"likes": []interface {}{
"nrLikes": int(1),
"name": "ediloc.com2",
"city": "Calimanesti",
"industry": "Automotive",
"_id": "Yo\xd4f\x1a\xa9Q|w\tG^",
"user_id": "Yo\xc7;\x1a\xa9Qy\b\xb8\xa2\xf9",
"country": "Romania",
"_id": "Yo\xc7\xd7\x1a\xa9Qy1['\xea",
"user_id": "Yo\xc7;\x1a\xa9Qy\b\xb8\xa2\xf9",
"name": "ediloc.com",
"country": "Romania",
"description": "<p>a</p>",
"profile": []interface {}{
"likes": []interface {}{
"nrLikes": int(1),
"city": "Calimanesti",
"industry": "Accounting",
"likes": []interface {}{
"_id": "Yo\xd4f\x1a\xa9Q|w\tG^",
"name": "ediloc.com2",
"city": "Calimanesti",
"country": "Romania",
"profile": []interface {}{
"user_id": "Yo\xc7;\x1a\xa9Qy\b\xb8\xa2\xf9",
"industry": "Automotive",,
"nrLikes": int(1),
"_id": "Yo\xc7\xd7\x1a\xa9Qy1['\xea",
"user_id": "Yo\xc7;\x1a\xa9Qy\b\xb8\xa2\xf9",
"industry": "Accounting",
"profile": []interface {}{
"likes": []interface {}{
"nrLikes": int(1),
"name": "ediloc.com",
"city": "Calimanesti",
"country": "Romania",
"description": "<p>a</p>",
"nrLikes": int(1),
"user_id": "Yo\xc7;\x1a\xa9Qy\b\xb8\xa2\xf9",
"description": "<p>a</p>",
"profile": []interface {}{
"country": "Romania",
"industry": "Accounting",
"likes": []interface {}{
"_id": "Yo\xc7\xd7\x1a\xa9Qy1['\xea",
"name": "ediloc.com",
"city": "Calimanesti",
"name": "ediloc.com2",
"industry": "Automotive",
"description": "<p>sasdfdasf</p>",
"likes": []interface {}{
"user_id": "Yo\xc7;\x1a\xa9Qy\b\xb8\xa2\xf9",
"city": "Calimanesti",
"country": "Romania",
"profile": []interface {}{
"nrLikes": int(1),
"_id": "Yo\xd4f\x1a\xa9Q|w\tG^",
Pro and check fields are in32, the documents with higher pro field number should have priority over the documents that have higher check fields.