douhui0975 2016-05-16 09:52 采纳率: 100%
浏览 277


I am trying to fetch all source files that where used during compilation. Function runtime.Caller() and panic with its stacktrace show this info.

I need something like this

func fetchUsedFiles() []string {
func main() {
    log.Println("Used Files",fetchUsedFiles())


All what I need is read somehow "runtime.firstmoduledata" variable content. But it is not exported variable.

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  • duanlin6989 2016-05-18 07:27

    Actually I have combined VonC answer and my runtime approcah.

    All needed data stored at runtime.firstmoduledata - struct but they are not exported. To read data from there I read my executable file again (implemented only for ELF), find this symbol and do the other part like runtime.Caller() function. This method is not portable and can be broken by changes in runtime library but it works.

    selfReflect function uses copies of private types from runtime lib

    func selfReflect(filename string) ([]string,error) {
        f,err := elf.Open(filename)
        if err != nil {
            return nil,err
        defer f.Close()
        syms,err := f.Symbols()
        if err != nil {
            return nil,err
        var modSym elf.Symbol
        var modSymFound = false
        for _,v := range syms {
            if v.Name == "runtime.firstmoduledata" {
                modSym = v
                modSymFound = true
        if ! modSymFound {
            return nil,errors.New("elfparse:nosym")
        var datap = (*moduledata)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(modSym.Value)))
        files := make([]string,0)
        for i := range datap.filetab {
            bp := &datap.pclntable[datap.filetab[i]]
            file := C.GoString( (*C.char) (unsafe.Pointer(bp))  )
            if file != "<autogenerated>" && file != "@" {
                if _, err := os.Stat(file); err == nil {
                    files = append(files ,file)
        return files,nil
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