I am going through the golang tour and working on the final exercise to change a web crawler to crawl in parallel and not repeat a crawl ( http://tour.golang.org/#73 ). All I have changed is the crawl function.
var used = make(map[string]bool)
func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher) {
if depth <= 0 {
body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
found: %s %q
", url, body)
for _,u := range urls {
if used[u] == false {
used[u] = true
Crawl(u, depth-1, fetcher)
In order to make it concurrent I added the go command in front of the call to the function Crawl, but instead of recursively calling the Crawl function the program only finds the "http://golang.org/" page and no other pages.
Why doesn't the program work when I add the go command to the call of the function Crawl?