Suppose I define the following gRPC service:
service Library {
rpc Search(SearchBookRequest) returns (stream SearchBookResponse) {}
message SearchBookRequest {
string term = 1;
int32 max_results = 2;
message SearchBookResponse {
int32 book_id = 1;
It streams search results back up to a specified maximum. When interacting with the service via gRPC's Go API, am I allowed to do something like this?
for i:=0; i<maxResults; i++ {
search_result, err := stream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
// Note: If `maxResults` are returned this will never be reached.
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("search error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Book-ID: %d
", search_result.BookId)
Or am I required to keep calling Recv
until I get io.EOF
to ensure that gRPC properly cleans up all its resources?