Have just started learning about Go (do people say "Go" or "Golang"?)
I got the hello world example running. I have my GOROOT AND GOPATH set up.
Now I want to do something bit more advanced, for example open csv file, for which I found a tutorial to do that here
In order to make this script work, I need the packages that are being imported eg "bufio", "encoding/csv", etc.
Do I have to manually search https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Projects or some other repository, download and unzip these into my GOPATH "pkg" directory?
Or does Go/Golang have something equivalent to Python's "pip install" that would do this for me?
import (
func main() {
// Load a TXT file.
f, _ := os.Open("C:\\Users\\bb\\Documents\\Dropbox\\Data\\bc hydro tweets\\bchtweets.csv")
// Create a new reader.
r := csv.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(f))
for {
record, err := r.Read()
// Stop at EOF.
if err == io.EOF {
// Display record.
// ... Display record length.
// ... Display all individual elements of the slice.
for value := range record {
fmt.Printf(" %v
", record[value])