I'm new working on golang, In this case I have a map [string] which has a struct. At this point everything is works.
But I would like to have a map[string] in which I can access at the same time to another map[string] which has it self struct.
This is the code in which I'm trying to work.
type myStruct struct{
atrib1 string
atrib2 string
var apiRequest map[string] map[string]myStruct
I would like acces to something like this:
func main() {
apiRequest = make(map[string] map[string]myStruct)
apiKeyTypeRequest["Key"]["MyFirstOption"].atrib1 = "first Value first op"
apiKeyTypeRequest["Key"]["MyFirstOption"].atrib2 = "second Value first op"
apiKeyTypeRequest["Key"]["MysecondtOption"].atrib1 = "first Value second op"