doulutian4843 2019-01-25 02:57
浏览 64


I am receiving JSON formatted data from the network, and I need to unmarshal it depending on a key.
Here is the data example:

  "foo": {
    "11883920": {
      "fieldA": 123,
      "fieldB": [
          "fieldC": "a",
          "fieldD": 1173653.22
  "bar": {
     "123": {
       "fieldE": 123
  "anyOtherkey": {...}

The logic is that, if the key is foo it sould be unmarshaled as fooStruct, and if bar - as a barStruct. What is the best way to implement this logic? (I don't want to unmarshal it to map[string]interface{}, maybe it is possible with json.NewDecoder() function but I could not get the expected result).

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  • dongsong8932 2019-01-25 03:02

    Just create a type with both fields present:

    type MyType struct {
        Foo      *fooStruct `json:"foo,omitempty"`
        Bar      *barStruct `json:"bar,omitempty"`
        OtherKey string     `json:"other_key"`

    Unmarshal the JSON into that type, and simply check ig Foo and or Bar are nil to know what data you're working with.

    Here's a playground Demo of what this would look like

    The essence of it is:

    type Foo struct {
        Field int `json:"field1"`
    type Bar struct {
        Message string `json:"field2"`
    type Payload struct {
        Foo   *Foo   `json:"foo,omitempty"`
        Bar   *Bar   `json:"bar,omitempty"`
        Other string `json:"another_field"`

    The Foo and Bar fields are pointer types, because value fields would make it a bit more cumbersome to work out which field was actually set. The omitempty bit allows you to marshal the same type to recreate the original payload, as nil values will just not show up in the output.

    To check which field was set in the original JSON string, simply write:

    var data Payload
    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &data); err != nil {
        // handle error
    if data.Foo == nil && data.Bar == nil {
        // this is probably an error-case you need to handle
    if data.Foo == nil {
        fmt.Println("Bar was set")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Foo was set")

    Nothing more too it


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