I made an interface meant to do basic math with struct values. The interface's math functions always update the values of the struct's pointer.
My problem is that at some point, I want to overwrite the value to the initial value but I only have the interface to work with. Because it is a pointer interface (not 100% sure if this is what people call it), I am unable to "clone" the initial value of the struct in order to overwrite later.
Please also note I'm trying my best to avoid reflection.
Here is my code. Will probably make a lot more sense than me trying to explain it:
package main
import (
type mather interface {
add(mather) mather
sub(mather) mather
type float struct {
value float64
func (f *float) add(m mather) mather {
f.value += m.(*float).value
return f
func (f *float) sub(m mather) mather {
f.value -= m.(*float).value
return f
func (f *float) get() interface{} {
return *f
func main() {
var a, b, c mather
a = &float{2} // this could be any time. approximitly 10 possible types
b = &float{7} // this could be any time. approximitly 10 possible types
// float can't be used again below, only mather
c = a
// a's math
// now math is done, we need to reset the value from before the math was done
// set *a equal to *c. (a == &float{2})
resetMath(a, c)
// b's math
// now math is done, we need to reset the value from before the math was done
// set *b equal to *c. (b == &float{7})
resetMath(b, c)
func doMath(m mather) {
func resetMath(m mather, r mather) {
m = r