dougang1967 2018-12-12 15:58
浏览 81


Giving some context, I am implementing a fan-out (streaming) using gRPC, on the server every time a client connects, I save the stream into a map and when the client disconnects I just remove it from the map so that I could keep the map updated with only "live" clients/connections.

So the initial map looks something like this:

key        value
client1    stream
client2    stream
client3    stream

The problem with this implementation is that if a client connects multiple times, only the last client (using the same key id) will receive the "broadcasted" message, since the map will overwrite the existing stream with the latest one from the client connecting, therefore I need to either use a unique key or to find a way to match, relate clients and connections.

I found easy to just switch the map and use as the key the connection ID, something like this

conn_id   client_id
conn1     client1
conn2     client2 \
conn3     client2  > 3 connections for client ID 2
conn4     client2 /

This works and helps to send a message to all connected clients, but makes things more complex if I would like to send a message to a specific client since I would need to range/traverse the full map to match the value with the desired client.

In an attempt to fix this, I switched back the map using the client_id, but instead of using the stream as the value, I am using a list of slices

key        value
client1   [stream, stream, stream]
client2   [stream]
client3   [stream, stream] 

The problem persists since in order to send a message to all the clients the full map still needs to be traverse/range to get streams per client and send the message to each.

Therefore without using a database wondering what data structure could it be used following best practices regarding the big O notation?

Mainly would like to find something that behaves similarly to database foreign keys, probably having 2 maps one keeping all connections and other just keeping status or number of connections per client, for example:

key      value            client_id   # streams 
conn1    client1          client1     1   
conn2    client2          client2     3
conn3    client2
conn4    client2

But how to "atomically" remove a client from the clients map when there are no more connections from that client in the connections map.

This is a try but wondering if could be improved:

package main

import (

func main() {

    clients := &sync.Map{}
    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        clientID := fmt.Sprintf("client-%d", i%5)
        connID := fmt.Sprintf("conn-%d", i)
        client, ok := clients.LoadOrStore(clientID, connID)
        if ok {
            switch c := client.(type) {
            case string:
                client = []string{c, connID}
            case []string:
                client = append(client.([]string), connID)
            clients.Store(clientID, client)

    list := func(k, v interface{}) bool {
        fmt.Printf("k: %+v v: %v
", k, v)
        return true


    // Get all connections
    broadcast := func(k, v interface{}) bool {
        fmt.Printf("To all connections from= %q
", k)
        for _, v := range v.([]string) {
            fmt.Printf("msg to conn = %s
", v)
        return true

Here my try only using maps (easy to handle deletions) is slower but allocate fewer bytes:

package main

import (

func main() {
    clients := &sync.Map{}
    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        clientID := fmt.Sprintf("client-%d", i%5)
        connID := fmt.Sprintf("conn-%d", i)
        conns, ok := clients.Load(clientID)
        if ok {
            conns.(*sync.Map).Store(connID, i)
        } else {
            conns := &sync.Map{}
            conns.Store(connID, i)
            clients.Store(clientID, conns)

    list := func(k, v interface{}) bool {
        fmt.Printf("k: %v
", k)
        listValue := func(j, l interface{}) bool {
            fmt.Printf("  j = %+v
", j)
            return true
        return true


    // Get all connections
    broadcast := func(k, v interface{}) bool {
        fmt.Printf("To all connections from= %q
", k)
        listValue := func(j, l interface{}) bool {
            fmt.Printf("  msg to conn = %s -- %v
", j, l)
            return true
        return true
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