I'm trying to check if an exec.Cmd
is running in these scenarios:
- Before I actually started the command
- After the command has started, but before it finished
- After the command has finished
This will allow me to kill this command if it is running so that I can start it again with different parameters.
A simple use case below:
c := exec.Command("omxplayer", "video.mp4")
s, _ := c.StdinPipe() // use the pipe to send the "q" string to quit omxplayer
log.Printf("Running (false): %v
", checkRunning(c)) // prints false: command has not started yet
log.Printf("Running (true): %v
", checkRunning(c)) // print true: command has started
time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
log.Println("about to quit process...")
log.Printf("Running (true): %v
", checkRunning(c)) // prints true: command still running at this point
log.Println("waiting for command to end")
log.Printf("Running (true): %v
", checkRunning(c)) // prints true: command still running at this point
log.Println("command should have ended by now")
log.Printf("Running (false): %v
", checkRunning(c)) // prints false: command ended at this point
Here's the best that I could come up with:
func checkRunning(cmd *exec.Cmd) bool {
if cmd == nil || cmd.ProcessState != nil && cmd.ProcessState.Exited() || cmd.Process == nil {
return false
return true
It works for the use case above, but it seems overly complicated and I'm not sure how reliable it is.
Is there a better way?